Guide to Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement

Some MDS Capstone projects may require agreements to be put in place to protect confidential background information and to define how new project intellectual property, if any is developed, will be handled. We ask Capstone partners to disclose if their project falls under this category in their project proposal so that students are aware of this requirement if they choose to work on the project. For all MDS Capstone projects that have such requirements, the projects will be bound by the terms of the agreements outlined below.

Projects that require agreements to be put in place to protect confidential background information and/or to define ownership of new project intellectual property can be bound by the following UBC-provided Mutual non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and/or IP assignment agreement.

If required, NDA and IP agreements must be completed before any work can be started by students on the capstone project.

We strongly recommend that partners show the UBC template documents to their legal counsel and get their agreement to use these documents before submitting the capstone proposal. We cannot sign alternate agreements, nor amend our agreements in any way.

Mutual non-disclosure agreement (NDA) UBCO Capstone NDA Agreement.pdf

The purpose of this agreement is to protect the background intellectual property that each party brings to the collaboration. Although this agreement will be between the partner and UBC, the students will sign the agreements to confirm that they have read and understood the agreement and the obligations it entails.

IP Agreement for Confidential Capstone Projects

IP assignment agreement UBCO Capstone IP Agreement.pdf

The purpose of the IP assignment agreement is to clarify who owns any intellectual property that may be developed during the capstone project. This agreement is between the students and the project partner.